菲律賓擬成立漁業與水產資源部菲律賓立法機關研擬編列6,240萬美元的預算成立漁業與水產資源部(DFAR),取代隸屬農業部的漁業水產資源局(BFAR)。新成立之DFAR可取得發展援助的資金,酒店打工將有能力資助設立禁漁區、提供漁民作業後融資及服務、建造管理與運銷水產品的服務中心等大型委辦計畫,該等業務目前由海洋產業局所掌控。據菲國官方統計資料顯示,至少有1,000萬勞工的土地買賣生計需仰賴佔國內生產毛額(GDP)5%的漁業、農業與林業。成立DFAR不僅有助於落實菲國水域與海洋資源的保育,漁民權益也更有保障。(摘譯於INFOFISH Trade News,NO.7/2009,15 April 酒店打工2009)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FISHERIES DEPARTMENT TO REPLACE BFARLawmakers are pursuing a proposal to create a Department of Fisheries and Aquatic 東森房屋Resources (DFAR) with an initialbudget of P3 billion (US$ 62.4 million) to replace the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), an agencyunder the Department of 襯衫Agriculture.The new department will have access to official development assistance so it could finance big projects under itsmandate such as the creation of fish 房地產sanctuaries, provide fishermen with post-harvest facilities and services vital tohandling and distribution of fishery products and supervision over fishing vessels, a 關鍵字廣告function that now lies with theMaritime Industry Authority.The fisheries sector accounts for 5% of the country’s gross domestic product and together with agriculture and 支票借款forestry,provides livelihood to at least 10 million workers, according to official statistics. The creation of DFAR will be a bigfactor in ensuring the protection of 烤肉Philippines territorial waters and marine resources as well as the rights of fishermen.

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